Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Tutorial 1: Information Technology and Ethical Issues

Hello fellow bloggers, my name is Eliane and I am a debutante blogger. I hope you will enjoy what I have to share over the next few weeks. 

I am sure  that most of you already heard the "IT" abbreviation but in case you wondered, it stands for Information Technology. As it is said on the TechTerm website "It refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these techonologies" (2012) or it is defined by Oxford English Dictionary as "the branch of technology concerned with the dissemination, processing, and storage of information, esp. by means of computers" (2012). “IT” basically refers to anything related to computer science.

I personally think that my "I.T" skills and knowledge are up to standard. I am not a "technophobe" or a "technogeek" but somewhere in between. For example, I know how to use most computer programs but know little about the hardware aspect or software development. I do use Hotmail, Facebook and Skype the most, so I can communicate with my friends and family back home. Since I started my Bachelor course, I use the computer to access to my course content as it is online on Moodle.  These examples are very important in my day to day routine.

.As technology evolve it gave us opportunities to share knowledge, thoughts and emotions. Internet and “IT” devices provide easy access to information. As part of Occupational Therapy, the main focus is to provide independence for the clients. Adapting the tasks with the help of the technology can help clients to perform tasks and activities. The online world can provide support.

During my first placement within a school setting, the students were learning by using a smart board. Here is a link demonstrating the purpose of a smart board within a classroom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYuIh2IduDk&feature=related.

Here is a good example of the use of eyegaze which is a tool that enable people to operate on a computer by using their eyes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCeOMoQPn_8&feature=related

Here is the usage of the Ipad witht he proloquo2go speech app.with an autistic children. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2LnUxFAaMQ&feature=related
 Others that for any reasons canot do their grocery shopping can now be done online.


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